Lesley Gibbes & Stephen Michael King
Working Title Press- Harper Collins Australia 2024
Once upon a snowy day, three friends set out on a journey. Hare, Cat and Pig are on the hunt for Santa. It's snowing and the journey is filled with danger. Will they give up? Of course they won't!
From Lesley Gibbes and Stephen Michael King, creators of the bestselling and much-loved book Scary Night, comes another story about three friends-who never give up!
ISBN 978 1 922033109
Available in Hardback
Rights Available: World rights excluding ANZ,
Lesley Gibbes & Judy Watson
Walker Books 2019
Nature Storybook Series
In the summertime, Grandpa and I go cicada-watching. We put our camping gear into my wagon and walk down to the local reserve. Last year we saw five Green Grocers, three Yellow Mondays and one Floury Baker. Can we find the rare Black Prince this year?
CBCA Eve Pownall Shortlisted Book 2020
ISBN 9781922244420
Available in Hardback
Rights Available: World rights excluding ANZ and China
'an exploration of science and nature, and a celebration of the bond between grandparent and grandad, this is an information book to be shared and treasured.'
Children's Book Council of Australia Judges 2020
'Enthralling story with striking illustrations'
Margaret Hamilton AM
'Evocative illustrations perfectly depict the Australian bush. A fun way to learn about cicadas.'
The Sunday Telegraph
Lesley Gibbes & Michelle Dawson
Working Title Press -Harper Collins Australia 2017
In 2012 a southern right whale gave birth to a calf in Sydney Harbour.
It was only the third time in recorded history that a southern right whale had been born in the harbour, and the people of Sydney were entranced.
The story of Fluke is based on this event.
Wilderness Society Australia Environment Award for Children's Literature Shortlisted 2018
Whitley Award Winner Young Children's Book 2018
ISBN 9781921504891
Available in Hardback, Paperback and Big Book
Rights Available: World rights excluding ANZ
UK, US & Canada- Harper 360
'heartwarming in its celebration of community and humanity.'
Lesley Gibbes & Marjorie Crosby-Fairall
Scholastic Press
Aug 2021
The dinosaur kids fight and grumble until,
An earthshaking STOMP echoes over the hill.
Get ready get set, for daddies galore,
Here they come! Here they come! Here they come... ROAR!
Lesley Gibbes & Marjorie Crosby-Fairall
Scholastic Press
July 2023
Three dino eggs are all ready to hatch as their dino dads watch over the batch. Out of the blue, a volcano rumbles. As the earth starts to shake, away the eggs tumble!
Off they go! Off they go! Off they go!
Quick! Come along for the EGG RESCUE FUN!
Lesley Gibbes & Marjorie Crosby-Fairall
Scholastic Press
Coming Soon July 2024
There's a dangerous building in the centre of town and the Demolition Dinos are smashing it down!
Lesley Gibbes & Sara Acton
Working Title Press- Harper Collins Australia 2016
Five little flutter fairies going off to bed. Fairy Blue, Fairy Green, Fairy Gold and Red.
But one of them is hiding. Which fairy do you think?
ISBN 978 1 921504 86 0
Available in Hardback and Paperback
Rights Available: World rights excluding ANZ , Harper Collins 360 UK
'Guaranteed to bring a smile to the hardest grown-up heart.'
Lesley Gibbes & Lisa Stewart
Scholastic Press 2016
It is time for Little Bear's first winter sleep. He tosses and turns and wriggles about the cave. He counts his toes in the moonlight. But he can't get to sleep. His mother breathes softly. His father snores deeply. So Little Bear snuggles between them both and finally falls asleep...
CBCA Book of the Year: Early Childhood Notable Book 2017
ISBN 9781743624012
Available in Hardback
Rights Available: World rights excluding ANZ and China
'A perfect read-aloud for bedtime.'
The Book Chook
Lesley Gibbes & Doris Chang
Hachette 2017
Bouncing, bouncing, little joeys.
Bouncing, one two, three.
It's Christmas time and Santa's coming.
time to trim the tree!
ISBN 9780734417558
Available in Hardback, Paperback and Kindle
Rights Available: World rights excluding ANZ
'A warm-and-fuzzy Christmas picture book to charm the whole family.'
Lesley Gibbes & Sue de Gennaro
Scholastic Press 2015
Birthday party at my place. Bring your own duck. Bear has never been to a duck party before! Whatever happens, it's sure to be fantastic, fabulous, feather-tickling fun!
ISBN 9 781743 625828
Available in Hardback and Paperback
Rights Available: World rights excluding ANZ
'fantastic, fabulous, feather-tickling fun! Highly recommended'
Margaret Hamilton AM
Lesley Gibbes & Lisa Stewart
Scholastic Press 2020
Under the rock shelf, through ribbons of weed,
Across the sandbar, where the stingrays feed,
Over the coral, lit bright by the sun,
Three little mermaids begin to have fun.
Follow three little mermaids as they dart and twirl under the sea, and find out what happens when they come across a SHARK!
ISBN 9781742769103
Available in Paperback
Rights Available: World rights excluding ANZ
Lesley Gibbes & Tamsin Ainslie
Acacia Ridge Early Years Centre and Kindergarten Benevolent Society
Proudly funded and supported by the Queensland government 2017.
Everyone in Poppy's kindergarten has a special talent, everyone except Poppy. With the help of her kindergarten teacher Shirley, Poppy discovers a very special talent of her own.
Lesley Gibbes & Stephen Michael King
Working Title Press- Harper Collins Australia 2014
Once upon a scary night three friends set out on a journey. Hare with hat. Cat with a cake and Pig with parcel. But where were they going in the dead of the night, tip-toe creeping in the pale moonlight? It was a mystery!
Honour Book CBCA 2015 Book of the Year – Early Childhood
Shortlisted 2015 Speech Pathology Australia's Book of the Year Awards - 3-5 years
ISBN 978 1 921504 63 1
Available in Hardback and Paperback
Rights Available: World rights excluding ANZ, Brazil
'Gibbes takes the reader on an interactive, heart-stopping, fear-facing journey with a deliciously reassuring ending.'
Sydney Morning Herald